Install x2go client windows 10
Install x2go client windows 10

Reported by: Orion Poplawski Date: Mon, 17:55:01 UTC. Package: x2goclient Maintainer for x2goclient is X2Go Developers Source for x2goclient is src:x2goclient. X2Go Client crashes if ports 30000+ are blocked. Message #5 received at (full text, mbox, reply): Received: (at submit) by bugs.x2go. Reported by: Matt Jackson Date: Tue, 03:40:01 UTC. X2Go client for windows crashes on connect. #697 - Nightly x2goserver crashes the x2go windows client Message #15 received at (full text, mbox, reply): Received: (at 1163) by bugs. I could confirm this issue on Debian wheezy or Ubuntu precise as X2Go Server. I can confirm that the issue exists with latest X2Go Client.

install x2go client windows 10

bash_.) > I have reproduced this on the Windows client I believe a colleague > saw it on both the Windows and Linux clients. > (The crash does not occur if I put a similar statement in. bashrc, then the x2goclient crashes immediately > when trying to start a session.

install x2go client windows 10

I tried a combination of client-side configs (no sound, no clipboard, no.

#Install x2go client windows 10 full

I also tried not to use a full fledged KDE session, even with a single application xterm the app crashes. I tried the latest nightly build and my own compiled from HEAD (to solve issue #676), with 2 different clients (v4.0.3.0 & v4.0.2.0) the behavior is the same. Package: x2goserver Version: git master When using the latest x2goserver and connecting with x2go client on Windows, the client crashes on connect.

Install x2go client windows 10